Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Red onions at the market

I went with Angela to the Palagonia market this morning. I took my camera with me because none of the photographs I had been looking over looked like something I wanted to post here. One of the first booths had these onions. I was struck by the bold, purple color.

Not much processing was done on these--I wanted to keep the mentioned color that I had mostly already captured. The only things I did were crop, after which I slightly tweaked the contrast and white balance.

Monday, April 19, 2010

beach and boat version 2 and a post for this week

So, I have reprocessed last weeks photo. This time I used UFRaw and GIMP. I'm much happier with it:

Here is my photo for this week:

Some unfortunate flower is being made into a delicious lunch for a snail... and an opportunity for me to practice manual focus on a close subject...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Beached Boat; New Posts and Photos are coming

Dear long suffering followers (all four of you... maybe more if I ever start posting regularly...),

As indicated by the title of this post, I assure you, more post will be forthcoming shortly...

Thank you, Ryan, for your suggestions regarding timely posts, I'll be implementing them. I already have a stockpile of a few photographs...

Now, the entry for right now:

Ang and I were on vacation over the last week and the first town we stopped in was Marinella di Selinute. We saw the boat on the sand; this is one of about five photos I took... still not quite happy with the processing that I've done on it... working that learning curve...